Hello dear visitor, my name is Eloïn Myrio, alias Marc Zürcher, you can just call me Eloïn. I may be a stranger to you, but don’t worry, I’m a friendly being. It is not known where I come from but currently I’m based in Zurich. Since I remember, I’m traveling through time and space. I’m quite shy. But if you listen to me carefully, you may see the signals of harmony and unity.

Sounds and waves are my tools. I’m trying to seduce with my soundscapes into distant worlds beyond time and space. I’m looking for unknown tones and eccentric harmonies, trying to reach a sacred space of oscillations and vibrations. You can get an idea here, but I would like to meet you at one of my sessions.

I was trained on the piano for many years. Later I got to know different synthesizers and other electronic devices. Furthermore I play various other instruments from inner or outer space.

Get in touch.

Love, Eloïn

That’s me, wearing the intergalactic travelsuit.


